Bottom-up Organizing for Brilliant Minds

Next Cohort Starts March 7th

If you’re a creative, detail-oriented thinker who struggles with organization, you’re not alone. Many people with brilliant minds - filled with excellent ideas - have difficulty organizing their thoughts. These executive function challenges often keep their ideas swirling in their heads, trapped, and unshared with the world.

Traditional organization methods, designed for top-down thinkers, fail to meet the needs of bottom-up thinkers: people who build their understanding from the details up to the big picture. Without an approach to organization that matches how their minds work, bottom-up thinkers feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and stuck. Attempts by others to help can feel stifling because traditional methods don’t fit the way bottom-up thinkers naturally process information.

ThoughtGathering™ empowers bottom-up thinkers to approach organizing differently. Using this novel methodology, you will learn how to develop your own systems for managing your materials, time, and thoughts - freeing you to confidently share your brilliance with the world.

What is ThoughtGathering™?

ThoughtGathering™ is a revolutionary approach to understanding and using organization, designed specifically for bottom-up thinkers. It acknowledges your individual way of processing information and provides a reliable method for organizing your ideas - one that is consistent with how your brain works.

With ThoughtGathering™, you will learn to:

  • Organize Your Thoughts: Build systems to organize anything from your sock drawer to your dissertation.
  • Take On Your Tasks and Time: Tackle piles, manage your tasks, and plan your projects with confidence.
  • Communicate Clearly: Turn your swirling ideas into concise explanations and clear writing that others can understand.
  • Lose the Frustration: Stop struggling with prescriptive methods that weren’t made for you.

How can I access this approach?

ThoughtGathering™ is most quickly learned by taking the ThoughtGathering™ Foundations online course. You can do this on your own or by gaining access to community features through ThoughGathering™ Foundations+ with Group Coaching or Individual Coaching.

Who benefits from ThoughGathering™?

Quite possibly, you! If the organization tools and systems you've tried in the past haven't worked or haven't stuck, you may have started to believe there is something inherently wrong with you. This is not the case! Traditional organization strategies were designed for a different way of thinking. ThoughtGathering™ validates your bottom-up approach to organization and empowers you to succeed on your terms.

The ThoughtGathering™ approach is for:

  • Creative professionals who feel limited by their ability to organize projects and communicate their ideas

  • Neurodivergent and twice-exceptional adults with executive function challenges, ADHD, language-based learning disabilities (dyslexia, dysgraphia) and processing speed weaknesses, including those with related anxiety

  • Graduate students who are trying to collect what they are reading, store new learning for later reference, and succinctly share their own work

  • Family, friends, and colleagues who are looking to support the bottom-up thinkers in their lives - effectively - through enhanced understanding

How will this change my life?

You will learn how to move from chaos to clarity, and you’ll feel empowered doing it. Gone are the days of overwhelm, misunderstandings, and negative self-talk, creating space for clarity, productivity, ownership, and a new sense of calm.

With ThoughtGathering™, you will:

  • Reduce the chaos in your mind

  • Understand that you are not flawed

  • Look at organizational tasks as fun, little logic puzzles

  • Tackle your piles and projects with a new sense of ease

  • Approach speaking and writing tasks with a plan, enjoying the process, not just the product

  • Be part of a supportive and empowered community of people who get it

Do I need a community? 

You can take learn the principles of ThoughtGathering™ by taking ThoughtGathering™ Foundations on your own, but being part of a group of people who understand can really help when learning a new skill.

ThoughtGathering™ Group Coaching and Individual Coaching - and the Community platform that comes with them - can show you that you are not alone in your struggle or on your path forward. There are so many people out there who have had experiences just like yours. They are smart, highly competent people who struggle to complete projects, write documents, and file their taxes on time. If you feel alone in your struggle, you don't need to any more.

With a ThoughtGathering™ coaching community, you will:

  • Learn together 

  • Share your progress 

  • Empower your peers

  • Celebrate your accomplishments

  • Laugh a bunch, because people are fun

Get Started

Take the first step in your journey toward organization by taking ThoughtGathering™ Foundations. This flagship course introduces the transformative approach to organization, designed specifically for bottom-up thinkers. Choose the learning experience that works best for you: independent, in a supportive group, or with individual coaching.

The Independent Study bundle includes:

  • ThoughtGathering™ Foundations
  • Course workbook

The Group Coaching bundle includes:

  • Though Foundations+ course (including an interactive chat feature in each module)
  • Course workbook
  • Eight hours of group coaching
  • Community access

The Individual Coaching bundle includes:

  • Though Foundations+ course (including an interactive chat feature in each module)
  • Course workbook
  • Ten hours of individual coaching
  • Community access

If you've already taken ThoughtGathering™ Foundations (previously the Organizing from the Bottom Up course), join us for the Advanced Group Coaching for course graduates:ThoughtGathering™ Mapmaking Practice  and ThoughtGathering™ Workshop Sessions.